Showing Tag: "content" (Show all posts)

Build effective content for online marketing

Posted by XenEffect on Monday, November 10, 2014, In : web marketing 
Here's an article on how to create effective content for online marketing. Boost your traffic by creating engaging content.

People want articles, images, videos or info-graphics that is informative about your niche. Ask for feedback.
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Content Marketing Strategy vs Link Building Strategy

Posted by on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, In : web marketing 
Everyone has heard about websites being affected by the latest Google algorithm updates. A lot of businesses are up-in-arms about their website ranking dropped. However, there are some websites that never seem to get affected by these updates. Why is that?

Well, most of these websites that don't get affected, have strong "content marketing strategies". They do not just blast the internet to get links to their blog or website.They do not create link wheels and link pyramids to boost rankings.

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